Friday, July 9, 2010

Okay it's July already......

Hi it's been a busy first half of 2010.....

I am studying and this is taking up all my spare time (what is that again?). I am somewhat stressed but relieved that the year is half over and so i'm on the downward slide.

Craft - to be fair not alot has been happening on that front for quite some time - I did go away in April with some girlfriends and did get the cards I needed for the year completed - Yay but last night I got one card made for a party that miss is attending next weekend but that ws it - I am looking forward to end of year when study over and I can get back into it......I have some projects that I want to get on with and the photos are piling up.

I am in the middle of a report to have done so I'm best off on my way and I'll catch you agan sooner than six months - hopefully!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where oh where have I been ......

Well hi there everyone and Happy 2010! I can't believe that 7 months have gone by without any blogging! Lots has happened - but very little crafting! :(

I began a new job in July - which I love - working for the Royal NZ Plunket Society which does growth and development checks on 0-5 year olds and supports young families. What a great job!

Mister 7 became Mister 8 and is growing into a fantastic young man - what a pleasure to spend time with.....he has taken up tennis and is enjoying it and getting better each week.

Little Miss 4 continues on the rampage and we have decided she can go to daycare three days a week and kindy two mornings a week and then mummy might be sane again - gaurantees though.....

My sister and her husband moved in with us for three months while they looked for a home to buy. This meant a huge clean out and move around in the house for us which was exhausting and great all at the same time - we got rid of heaps of stuff that we were hoarding. Now that they are gone we have an empty rumpus room because the kids play room got moved upstairs.

My Grandad died unfortunately - what a great man. That hit me quite a bit harder than I expected - I knew that he was sick and the 'nurse' in me new that was terminal but the 'grand-daughter' in me wasn't ready for that and on return from Wangavegas I had a weeeee meltdown - thanks goodness for an awesome husband who quietly supported me through that phase.

My lovely old cat Moke of 16 great years together also died just before Christmas he was quite ill and he is much better off where he is now enjoying the sun somewhere (not here in Wellington)!

Christmas has been and gone and the New Year is upon us and like every new year we all make New Years Resolutions - I have to be honest and acknowledge that I am recycling the ones from last year:

  1. Be kinder to my body (eat less and exercise more)

  2. Work smarter not harder (to quote my HR sister)

  3. Get more craft done (shouldn't be tooo hard)

  4. Enjoy the study that I am going to do (this is actually a new one.)

I have crafted tonight for the first time in at least four months and he it is in all its glory. This is a birthday card for one of my sister inlaws whose birthday is next month (I know how organised am I) - maybe that could be another resolution!!!!!!!!

Hope this finds you all well and enjoying 2010 so far.......I hope not to leave it so long next time
